brand strategy
What this saucepan taught me about brand sustainability.
Let me tell you a story. About a saucepan. To be specific, THIS saucepan. Bare with. It may not look like much, but we have a history. Rewind 21 years ago to that tentative fledging of the…
brand strategy
Spanx fail.
We’ve all been there. That moment that something goes wrong. And what feels like the whole world is watching. “As I stood up to collect my award (completely unexpectedly I might add), was…
brand strategy
Justin Timberlake made my morning.
I’m calling BS on guilty pleasures. I was knee-deep in a Justin Timberlake retrospective this morning when some lyrics from one song in particular smacked me right between the eyes. I had to…
brand strategy
Breaking the mould.
What does it mean to you: Being a disruptor brand? A provocateur? An innovator? Sometimes, it can be far simpler – a change of perspective. Last week, a very good friend of mine, Yinka Euwola, said…
brand strategy
Pappas got a brand new bag.
Whoop! Whoop! That’s the sound of this release! That’s right, I’ve got something freshly baked, straight out of the oven for ambitious organization leaders and anyone who wants some…
brand strategy
What my big family taught me about branding.
I’m one of 4. Growing up, it was fairly organised chaos in our house – my mum constantly on the go looking after us, my brothers ultimately picking on us two (twin) sisters, striving to beat…
brand strategy
Branding – better than therapy?
I had a client tell me once that branding her business (with me) was better than therapy. Before you start coming at me – I’m not saying DON’T go to therapy. I’m not saying I AM a…
brand strategy
The Oswald Boateng of brand consultancy
Feeling meh about your brand? Haven’t found the right solutions that fits your needs? How to get a banging brand that fits you perfectly, fully tailored, and bespoke to your needs. Who…
brand strategy
Why my stubborn streak is a friggin asset for your business
Why my stubborn streak is a friggin asset for your business. And why we need to reframe creative stubbornness… There have been many times with potential clients the delicate art of negotiation and…
brand strategy
Keep your kidneys
If you’ve ever enquired about working with a branding agency before, chances are you receive a hefty retainer as a proposal and thought: nah, I’d prefer to keep both my kidneys. Which means it’s…
brand strategy
Stick with the knitting
Stick with the knitting. No – it’s not an expression I was familiar with either. Let me explain why it’s a good one. I was listening to a podcast recently with Dame Mary Perkins. She was…
brand strategy
Don’t just stick with what you already have. Fix it. PIMP IT.
Your brand has been failing you, for years. But it’s not your fault. At all. It seems so simple on paper. It’s alluring. You get a logo, get a website, pull together some words. You…