brand strategy
How growing a brand is a lot like having an allotment
One day with my knees in the mud: all the items needed to build and grow an allotment are just what you need to build and maintain a brand – metaphorically speaking! Here’s what I mean…
brand management
Why is brand consistency so important? 5 reasons why brand guidelines are useful
A successful brand helps to communicate what your core product is, what sets you aside from your competition and should be applied consistently across everything you do. This is where guidelines…
brand strategy
What does customer and brand experience mean? A look at brand touch points
We know the importance of your customers – they are your absolute everything. They are the very reason you are where you are today. How can you ensure this loyal follow continue to come…
brand strategy
How to build resilience in your brand in times of change
We know we are living in a time of radical change, on an unprecedented scale and at a fast pace – courtesy of a global and networked economy. Change now happens faster and with less predictability…
brand management
How to build your brand: The Core Idea. Discover and unlock your inner brand’s power!
It’s time for the final instalment! So far in this strategy series we have looked at the 4 areas to address how to build a solid brand that can go to market with confidence, differentiation and with…
brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Personality. Turn your personality into your creative briefs.
So, why does a brand need a personality and what does that actually mean? As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, the final instalment covers PERSONALITY. A brand personality helps a…
brand management
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Principles. Turn them into great customer experience.
So, what do you stand for and how does this relate to your team’s operations and customer experience?As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, PRINCIPLES form the third ‘P’. Your…
brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Point of Difference. Turn POD into your USP
So, what makes you unique? What’s your USP and how is your business differentiated?As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, POINT OF DIFFERENCE (PoD) forms the second ‘P’. Your point…
brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Purpose. Turn your purpose into your drive
So, what’s the purpose of brand purpose and what’s the why behind your business?As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, PURPOSE forms the first, all important ‘P’. The purpose of a…
The Power of Series: Photography and the value of the professional headshot
Here’s a question: Do you have that one portrait shot that captures your professionalism, your character, is flattering and doesn’t make you cringe?! At some point in your professional career,…
The creative process explained – kinda…
The creative process: Often deemed a mysterious, magical happening that some people are blessed with more than others, the creative process is complex, layered and different for many.
What are Brand Board, style guides and guidelines and why do I need them?
We know that the lifeblood of the business (besides copious amounts of coffee, sweat and tears) is the strength of your brand.And the beauty and difficulty with this is that this never sits still –…