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brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Personality. Turn your personality into your creative briefs.
So, why does a brand need a personality and what does that actually mean? As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, the final instalment covers PERSONALITY.  A brand personality helps a...
brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Purpose. Turn your purpose into your drive
So, what’s the purpose of brand purpose and what’s the why behind your business?As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, PURPOSE forms the first, all important ‘P’.  The purpose of a...
What are Brand Board, style guides and guidelines and why do I need them?
We know that the lifeblood of the business (besides copious amounts of coffee, sweat and tears) is the strength of your brand.And the beauty and difficulty with this is that this never sits still –...
Calling designers! Top 5 pet peeves y’all hear!
Calling all designers!!! We KNOW you’re heard some of these…. When we thought about this, it was difficult to narrow it down to 5, there are too many clichés!
RGB, CMYK, HEX… OMG?!! Colour references explained
Many of these abbreviations may all seem like industry waffle, but understanding these abbreviations will empower you as a small business owner in understanding common terminologies and make your...
5 must have print items for your business
Starting a business is never easy, so much to consider – least of all is ordering branded printed items. If you’re starting out and not sure what you need, see our 5 must have print items for your...
brand strategy
What exactly is the difference between brand and branding?!
These often get confused when talking about marketing. Although the words are very similar, the meanings are distinctly different. Here’s the lowdown…
brand strategy
5 things to avoid when branding your business
Whilst brand building can be a confusing and daunting task, approached in the right way and with the right people, you can be up and running in no time, connecting and engaging with your audience and...
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