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brand strategy
You want clarity? You’ve got it.
I don’t need to tell you that you’re ready to build your brand and be ready for the growth you have dreamed of. That’s why you’re here.  You know that with a solid brand strategy you...
BOX FEATURED IN *FORBES* How to create a killer company logo that truly reflects your brand
I contributed to this article by Alison Coleman for FORBES, talking about the role the logo plays in a business' identity and what it represents. Specifically how smaller businesses can be more agile,...
brand strategy
How to build resilience in your brand in times of change
We know we are living in a time of radical change, on an unprecedented scale and at a fast pace - courtesy of a global and networked economy. Change now happens faster and with less predictability...
brand strategy
The 4P’s. How to build your brand: Personality. Turn your personality into your creative briefs.
So, why does a brand need a personality and what does that actually mean? As part of my 4P’s and CORE IDEA framework, the final instalment covers PERSONALITY.  A brand personality helps a...
brand strategy
Branding can be powerful, even for a power-fool
The POWER OF series of contributor blogs brought to you by BOX UNWRAPS: This week we hear from Sikko Baltus of Hub Town City.
brand strategy
5 things to avoid when branding your business
Whilst brand building can be a confusing and daunting task, approached in the right way and with the right people, you can be up and running in no time, connecting and engaging with your audience and...