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The project is the process.

Oct 15, 2022 - by Lauren Jones
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The project is the process.

How many times have I re-read this and thought about it… I can’t tell you.

It’s gold.

This was shared with me by Ruth Gaviria some time ago – a master of brand that I’ve worked with for a number of years. This is one of her best snippets I’ve taken away to date.

We were discussing this last week following a visit from the states to the UK (her first time, she wasn’t disappointed! Yes, there was fish and chips, the pub, high tea and rose gardens…). We talked about how the work is in the doing, not getting tied to the outcome.

Recently, I supported a group of young brand strategists as part of a prestigious certification program. There’s nothing quite like teaching the theory to have to REALLY understand it and know it.

It was fascinating to see so many embark on their journey into this world of brand and branding strategy, to see those moments of ‘ah-ha’, ‘ooooooooh’, and ’shiiiiiiiit’.

The first 2 days were filled with frustration, resistance and a lot of energy.

Welcome to brand.

What I came to realize during these first few days is that brand is a process.

And that’s the project.

That’s the work, the learnings, the messiness, the magic.

It’s non linear, it’s conceptual, it’s tangible, it’s big thinking, it’s real impact.

It’s all of it.

The biggest thing is the process, and that’s what many found… uncomfortable.

Like most of my clients that start out into this work, it’s an unknown. It’s not formulaic or results-driven in the truest sense – it’s hard to directly measure and takes time to know its true impact.

And so when many budding participants in the workshop got caught up on the details, the campaigns, the ad ideas and straplines…. They were missing the point.

Like clients that want the website, the pitch deck, the stuff… They are missing the point, too.

What it needs is a mindset. Space. Time. A guide.

The course offers a unique opportunity to stretch your thinking, to get uncomfortable, to push ideas and take risks that you don’t get everyday. And let’s be honest, most of our clients don’t want to go there, aren’t ready to step out, to challenge or radically differentiate. But by trusting the process, the work and thinking in ways you’ve not thought before, true magic can happen. By having gone THERE, we know that path and can guide clients as far down it as they are comfortable, with a hefty nudge.

I saw it, in the workshop. By the end of a fairly gruelling few days, that penny dropped. They let go of the detail and went with the emotion, the feeling, the connective piece that can get people to stop and take notice, listen, be moved, install action. It’s not about tactics and clicks. It’s about the thinking and core idea.

I’ve seen it, with clients. By the end of our time together, after months of gruelling work, they got it. And those that do, leap away with confidence, groundedness, energy and a new way of being as a business. It’s about a guiding principle that can see them move forward, towards their mission/vision/purpose.

So, if you’re contemplating a brand project, know that when you start, nobody knows the outcome, no-one should be tied to an outcome or think they know what it looks like, talks like, feels like. Yes, you will get the stuff eventually. But, trust the process, trust the work and you will not be disappointed with the project.

If you don’t, you’re missing the point.

Drop me an email to share your brand strategy stories – did you trust the process?

Lauren 🌱